Dark Future: Living Rulebook Wiki

Though designed to be fitted to Light Weight Passive Mounts these Passive Layers are much the same as any other passive, typically the main difference is the number of Shots each layer carries.

Light Weight Passives[]

Designed mainly to be fitted to Bikes and other vehicles that wish to keep their overall weight down these layers carry a limited number of shots, but this can be improved by equipping the vehicle with a Double Loading system that allows the Passive Layer to carry twice the number of shots.

Spike Layer[]

Spikes Passive

(See Spikes)

Damage: See Passives

Shots: 6

Weight: 60

Cost: $1'000

Reload Cost: $10 per Shot

Double Load Shots: +6

Double Load Weight: 90

Double Load Cost: +$1'000

Designed to deploy a cluster of razor sharp spikes that are designed to tear up tyres, this can be devastating to Pneumatic Tyres and even Solid Rubber Tyres can suffer severe damage as a result of driving over these spikes.

Oil Layer[]

Oil Passive

(See Oil)

Damage: 1 Handling, Hazard Roll

Shots: 6

Weight: 50

Cost: $2'000

Reload Cost: $5 per Shot

Double Load Shots: +6

Double Load Weight: 75

Double Load Cost: +$1'000

Little more than a tank of Oil and a Pump designed to release a measured dose of Oil onto the road these devices make the road slippery and can cause crashes if vehicles take them too fast, not to mention the Oil sticks to tyres and causes persistent problems for vehicles that hit them.

Pattern Mine Layer[]

Mine Passive

(See Mines)

Damage: +3HE

Shots: 4

Weight: 100

Cost: $4'000

Reload Cost: $250 per Shot

Double Load Shots: +4

Double Load Weight: 175

Double Load Cost: +$1'500

Designed to deploy a number of small Landmines onto the road, these mines are highly sensitive and when one blows the rest will soon follow suit creating a chain reaction explosion designed to devastate the underside of a vehicle, when laid the mines are scattered over the 2 Lanes directly behind the vehicle and any Character or Vehicle that strays into those lanes could set them off and cause a serious explosion.

Smoke Layer[]

Smoke Passive

(See Smoke)

Damage: 60mph Hazard Roll

Shots: 12

Weight: 50

Cost: $1'500

Reload Cost: $5 per Shot

Double Load Shots: +12

Double Load Weight: 60

Double Load Cost: +$1'500

By dropping ignited chemical pellets this Layer deploys a cloud of thick smoke that obscures vision and causes breathing difficulty for Characters as well as blocking sight for drivers, this Passive Layer allows for a great deal of clouds to be laid due to the small size of the pellets and the low cost of replacements, making it very popular among Gangs and Cults.

See Also[]


